Feedback Request: profiler window

We have a window (Window->Asset Management->Addressable Profiler) that shows information about how we’ve ref-counted various things. It currently doesn’t quite deliver the value we were hoping, so before we get too far into re-working it, I’d like some feedback from the community.

Specifically answering (some of?) these questions:

  • What problems would you be facing, that you’d hope this window could help solve?
  • What data would you want to see in this window?
  • What functionality would you want to see in this window?

Please reply with input!

@unity_bill Sorry for necro-ing this, but there is no “Addressable Profiler” under “Window->Asset Management” for me.
I’m using Unity 2019.4.7f1 with the Addressable package 1.15.1.
Was this removed? It’s still mentioned in your docs.