[Feedback] UI Builder UX issues

  1. Whenever I double click on .uxml file, UI Builder gets opened. Is there any way to override that to a text editor? Since I rarely use it and most of the time check how the UXML text looks like.

  2. Whenever I edit UXML in text editor and save a broken XML structure when UI Builder is reloading the file it just pops up a message that something is broken. There should be a better way to do so, like: highlight issues in preview and do NOT drop the window.

  3. I have to set Canvas Size manually, every time I open a UXML file, this is SUPER annoying, is there a way to have this value to be constant all the time?

    Maybe have a default value somewhere in preferences or have this tick “Match Game View” always on, unless I uncheck it and set manually the canvas size.

  4. Tooltips do not have keybindngs (I guess it is across whole Unity editor)
    In order to “Fit viewport”, I can use F key, but it is not displayed anywhere!
    I would like to also have a preview hotkey. But how can I know if there is one, since there is no tooltip as well?

  5. Obviously, the preview of UXML and USS should have a syntax highlighting and edit mode. This is a must have there. Godot has an IDE/Text editor integrated right into an engine and Unity is still displaying code in non-monospaced font in preview.

    And being able to edit in preview, would have been nice as well.

Hi jasursadikov

  1. We can have a look at exposing a setting in the preferences or project settings for this. Thanks for the feedback
  2. We are currently looking at ways to improve that workflow, which is a high pain point in the UI Builder usage. We want to offer a choice between external changes and UI Builder changes, so at least it would be possible to keep the correct version. You’re right that better error reporting in the UI Builder would be a nice quality of life improvement. We’ll look at the options.
  3. That might be a bug, we’ll have a look. Feel free to report with Help → Report a bug to have it tracked
  4. That could be a quick quality of life improvement indeed. We’ll note it down!
  5. I agree that would be very nice, we’ll see what we can do. We might have more control over the syntax highlighting in the UI Builder previews, but it could be nice to have it in the inspector as well.

Thanks for using UI Toolkit and for this great feeback! These are great suggestions :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your reply!

Also, I forgot to mention:

  1. Something that is missing is an option to hide objects like in normal hierarchy.
  2. If it was possible to remove or group this menus:

    That would have been really nice as well.
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