I’m looking at the LWRP water shader that is in the Boat Attack demo. I love it! I’ve tried to make something like this in shader graph but it does not look good. Will it be possible to some day make a good LWRP water shader in shader graph? Or is water just one of those complex things that will always require a bit more custom shader work?
No post processing for OpenVR (beta 3 and 4. Pipeline 4.0.1)
To replicate:
-Use Unity Hub, create new project from VR Lightweight RP template.
-Install OpenVR from the package manager.
-Run template example scene.
Thanks @Tim-C
Meanwhile, still on that question, any idea ?
Other type of error that randomly triggers in the editor with LWRP. (In Cloudbuild too), since the beginning: [Unity] Shader properties can’t be added to this global property sheet. Trying to add _GrabTex (type X count X)
And there’s no way to find the origin, the error disappears after some time or when ‘selecting’ all the game objects. It clearly one of my shaders, I get that, but I don’t know which one it is, what ‘this’ global property sheet is refering too
So far I’m trying to delete all objects one by one, to try find which shader is causing that. But that’s never ending search, completely in the blur °-°
Other subject, on build, there’s those warnings in the log:
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: ‘Lightweight Render Pipeline/Lit’ - Pass ‘Meta’ has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: ‘Lightweight Render Pipeline/Simple Lit’ - Pass ‘Meta’ has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: ‘Lightweight Render Pipeline/Unlit’ - Pass ‘Meta’ has no vertex shader
Something I didn’t updated correctly or warning only due to preview?
I am thinking of using SimpleLit to further capitalize on LWRP performance on Intel GPU devices. Is there any existing performance benchmark?
Another question is whether keeping PBR shader in preload shader list (and not using them) will incur any noticeable performance penalty?
(I have been looking at various way to maintain 60fps and limit laptop heat, and so far I haven’t been able to get both with PBR shader scene: I can get stable 60fps but GPU temp will reach 90-100 celsius within minutes, fan noise ensures and may trigger heat throttling; I can low my goal to stable 30 fps then GPU temp will hover nicely around 60-70 celsius… In both case I am talking about a MBP 2015 + Intel GPU + game running at 720p: I see no chance of getting retina resolution to run at stable 30fps on Intel GPU, not for long at least)
(And I am testing on LWRP + Metal + IL2CPP already.)
While adding support for LWRP to custom builtin unlit shaders (using different SubShader sections and the RenderPipeline tag) I have found I also need to add
"RenderPipeline" = ""
to the other builtin Subshader sections. If I omit the RenderPipeline tag in the SubShader section for builtin pipeline in the same shader, it does not compile when using LWRP. Is this correct?
Is it possible to have platform compiler defines (like SHADER_API_MOBILE exists, I’d want to have SHADER_API_LWRP or similar, …) OR at least make the compiler ignore the SubShader sections targeting SRPs that are not present? If I deploy the shader into a builtin setup (no SRP packages installed), I don’t want the SubShader sections with RenderPipeline = “LightweightPipeline” to be compiled nor throw any error.
Alright, so I did a few benchmark today, it seems SimpleLit’s performance gain is quite insignificant on Intel GPU, especially when compared to other factor like Post Processing and number of lights. I am not sure if it’s to be expected.
Benchmark (1 directional light + 2 point lights + 1 spot light + SMAA medium + Bloom; Lit vs Simple Lit):
Benchmark (1 directional light only; Lit vs Simple Lit):
I always thought PBS is much more complex than simple Blinn-Phong, but it seems even with additional environment sampling, PBS isn’t much slower on Intel GPU Laptops (when you compare it to Post Processing’s performance hit).
I recently upgraded to Unity 2018.3.0b3 and am using the LightweightRenderingPipeline. I have noticed that my build size has jumped tenfold from 90MB to 950MB! What is going on here? Has anyone else noticed this?in my build report in the editor console I have:
I am using Unity 2018.3.0b6 and LRP 4.0.1 and I have a scene with one Directional light and 3 point lights.
I have the following issues:
1/ If I disable the shadows from the main light, the point lights disappear from the scene.
2/ If I switch the additional lights from Pixel Lighting to vertex lighting, the settings (eg: per object limit) get grayed out, but still apply. For example if I set the limit to 2 additional lights with Pixel lighting, then switch to Vertex lighting, I can still see only 2 lights per object.
Question: what is the vertex light per object limit?
Is your lighting mode set to mixed? There was a regression related to mixed lighting that slip in that version. We have a fix already and it will be in the next package.