Is anyone using LWRP with hololens? As far as I can see, the camera transform of the main camera GameView is broken as soon as you initialize Windows Mixed Reality with the LWRP.
I submitted a bug regarding this, Case 1152916, but it seems such a minimal repro (make new scene with camera, enable WindowsMR, press play, enable LWRP, press play and observe badness) that I’m surprised nobody else is reporting it?
We just gave LWRP a try and we have an issue with our workflow. We used to setup all our baked point lights (dozens) in our scene in the editor, but we only generate the lightmaps at build time (We tried to use the auto progressive lightmapper but it still is very slow to regenerate lightmaps each time we change something). With LWRP it looks like the max pixel light count is applied in the scene view where it wasn’t with the built in renderer. Is there a way to bypass this to get a correct preview of the level in the scene view ? Or do you have any idea how we could improve our workflow when using LWRP ?
We’re currently using the LWRP with 2018.4.0 and we’re keen to use the 2018.4.x LTS releases for our game. Are there any plans to provide the production versions of the LWRP to 2018.4.x users?
I tried to use LWRP (for iOs build) in an AR project.
Unfortunately, I have very different results comparing what I can see in the editor. See below :
The material seems to be overburned. I tried to fiddle with light (only one directional ligth), indirect ligthing, material itself… no way to reproduce the exact visual feedback I have in the editor.
By the way, I’m using Unity 2019.1.2f1 + LWRP 5.10.0 (same result as 5.7.2)
Is this a know issue ? What am I doing wrong ?
Thanks very much for little help.
Regarding the material upgrader: I though that now that everything is “production ready” that is something that would be fixed. Still, for example old “Default Material” materials are not upgraded to the new “Default Material”, breaking entire example scenes for a lot of scripting-related packages that didn’t bother with creating materials in the first place (just placing some Spheres / Boxes etc.).
this is after upgrading materials to LWRP
I guess there is a menu option missing for “Upgrade Scene Materials to LWRP” contrary to just “selection” or “all”.
Also note that selecting the “Default-Material” manually (by double-clicking on it from any renderer) and then using “Upgrade selected materials”, it seems to work - until, of course, you restart the Editor where the Default-Material is reset (since it’s not persistent). There’s also no warning that you are upgrading a non-persistant material…
I noticed that LWRP is out from preview ready for production in 2019.1, however LWRP VR is still in preview in 2019.1.
I’m facing this issue with LWRP VR on cardboard.
Roughly when is LWRP VR is planned to be out of preview?
Tis’ what I thought. Cool that they are still researching that.
Thank you for the answer. I’ll check that chart, it might have some more info than the one I saw on unity’s blog.
EDIT: read the document and it says vertex lights are supported? How can I make a pixel light into a vertex light in LWRP? (before it was setting it to not important, but it does not seem to do that anymore. I think the light importance is just to determine which light is culled if you go above the limit)
Has any consideration been given to exposing more control over the built-in fog accessible from the lighting tab?
I’d like to create a fade-to-skybox effect, but the post-process solutions all fall into difficulties with transparent materials, whereas the built-in fog works nicely across the board with the forward renderer. So something like capturing the skybox etc. with a scriptable render pass, using that as the fog colour.
Everything I’ve tried required editing the Lighting and LitForwardPass .hlsl files, which would be nice to avoid if possible.
To give one update on this: I have a working branch with all heap allocs fixed except some GetComponents. These will require a fix in trunk that will come soon to 2019.3. I’m checking if it can be backported to 2019.2. Once that lands LWRP will have no runtime heap allocs.
I’ve kind of jumped the gun on this one and started the fix without having a proper ticket case . Could you open one. i’d deeply appreciate.