Download the v2 branch of the PostProcessing repository ( ) and add it under the existing empty folder “PostProcessing” in the project. This version works with PostProcess volumes and layers, instead of just a profile on the camera
This takes care of the post process errors, there will be a new one about shader defines. To solve this, go in “TextureCache.cs” and comment out the two places where there’s a “//#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER”. Like this
Now go in the HDRenderLoopTest scene. There will be plenty of errors. Just press play once, and the errors should go away.
@Tim-C we’d definitely need this to be updated so that people don’t have to do this. Also the camera controls are a bit weird… french keyboard?
Also note that I added my own PostProcessVolume to the scene for those effects. I also activated AA on the camera’s PostProcessLayer script
The thing you are seeing here is because we are using SubRepositories for the post processing. I did the following just now:
Download: Beta5
Clone via git and update to: 156fb11645ac202f400e787f4851f8d2aaf659c2
Execute: git submodule update --init --recursive
Open the project in beta 5.
Right now the HDPipe does not have any error checking. If it does not load properly delete the graphissettings.asset from the Unity project settings folder. Your computer may not support compute shaders which are a requirement.
Edit: I added these steps to the release nots for the b5 tag + to the top of this thread. If anyone has any further issues let me know.
@Tim-C would it be possible to request pseudo IOR or Fresnel control for reflection and specular?
and 2 lobes specular option would be awesome
So the subsurface scattering are bound to object world scale?
Getting there unity team, pretty awesome work
anyway how to disable the overlay on the letf top screen?
It is the debug of the skybox, should be uncheck in hdrp settings
IOR and Fresnel is control by baseColor for metal and hardcoded for dieletric. No other control. Specular occlusion to come later (no timeframe currently). (Note: HD pipeline follows PBR principles)
not required as we use GGX lobe (longer tails) and not Kelemen/Szirmay-Kalos lobe as in D’eon articles.
is there a way to remove/increase/multipliy the world space scale unit for sss?
bit of a limitation don’t you think, since we need to make our scene very small to get the sss effect. make it to big we cannot see the effect at all.
having a scale multiplier might be best option i think
So what is this? More concerned about the HD Render Loop, this function is what? New feature collection? How do I use the sub surface and hair shader in the document?