Feedback wanted - Your feeling about 2018.3 in its current state

  • Are you using 2018.3 in a real production? If not, did something keep you from doing so?
    Yes we are currently using it on a real production cause the nested prefab system was compulsory in our case to avoid a full rework after the 2018.3 release. It’s probably quite not common on Unity but we are using it for a “lifestyle” app to manage your home based on IoT stuff and thing like this. Due to this, our app is 90% of UI that’s why we used really intensively your new nested prefab system and we reported some issue with it.

  • What feature(s) are you most excited about?
    We are really excited by this nested prefab system.
    The notch’s support on Android & iOS is quite cool and the Android AppBundle too ! We will maybe take a look at ECS due to some intensive mesh generation we do in some part of our app it’s not critical right now but it could something interesting in our case.
    There is probably many things I forget but… yeah… there is a lot of cool stuff.

  • What is/are the most annoying/painful part(s) of 2018.3 today?

  • Today the most annoying/painful element in the current element are some issue found in the prefab importing system on a fresh project that sometimes still lost references. As I mentionned here :
    Switching from b2 to b7 - prefab references issue (last post)
    I don’t try to reproduce it in a sample project until I know if it’s worth to lost (sometimes a lot) of my working time to find a step to reproduce. Cause basically for us, you have to take our project (or maybe another project) and import it in 2018.3b8 (I can’t test other beta version due to the next bug) and a lot of refrences just vanished with no reason.

  • The combo namespace + preprocessor variable (that would be fixed in the b12 if everything is ok) due to this bug we stop beta usage in 2018.3b8 cause this bug create a lot of issue in our code.

  • Some elements that would be more “quality of life” like this one we reported (we had some good returns but we just wait a final answer), we know it won’t reach the 2018.X. But it stays important to us to improve your sprite atlasing and our build size (that’s why we asked it in 2018.3 cycle) :
    Help - Getting a sprite's atlas during build

  • How would you feel if we released 2018.3 in its current state (b11)? What makes you feel this way?
    We are currently not totally satisfied of the stability and the quality of the 2018.3 even if it’s REALLY IMPROVED since the b1 (hopefully :stuck_out_tongue: ) I think in 1 or 2 beta update I could be a good rc :wink: