Ferr2D Terrain Tool

I’ve been meaning to try out some photography based materials! Since I do a lot of photography too, it would only be natural to give it a go, but I haven’t had the time to sit down and try it. If I was doing that, I’d want to go the whole way, maybe sculpt my environments and make a consistent lighting setup to shoot them in.

If I ever get around to it, I’ll definitely post about it! But I’d imagine it’d work alright, if you set it up well and can get the materials to loop right.

[quote=“koujaku, post:38, topic: 517017, username:koujaku”]
Oh ouch, I haven’t had that happen to myself yet, but I could definitely see that happening.
[/quote]Yeah, I tend to do all of my personal development work in hours 16 to 20 of my day, and it catches up to me.

[quote=“Kelde, post:39, topic: 517017, username:Kelde”]
ok just to show what this tool can do with some pre-design.
[/quote]Looking good, and I am glad it worked out. I’m hopping that I will have something presentable in a few months myself.

First, this tool looks awesome.

How hard would it be to allow the option of using vertex coloring instead of a texture for some parts of the landscape? I like to do a silhouette style landscapes and it’d be nice to not require a black texture.

Here is an example of my game Krashlander. This is using RageSpline. I only use a texture for the snow.

Right now, vertex color is set to a single solid color every time the mesh is re-built. Great for tinting the whole object while still maintaining batchability! But probably not very useful in regards to what you’re trying to do.

I slapped together a quick material to give the style a try (I did use a black 16x16 texture for the fill, but theoretically you might be able to use a solid color shader) The only thing I don’t have in right now, is the ability to force materials on specific segments, so those loops and any steep snowy slopes wouldn’t work with the current setup. That’s a feature I do plan on adding in soon though, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

And here’s the texture atlas for that material (lol, transparent white on white background, you may want to open that in photoshop or something if you really want to see it)


Oh! And I played the heck out of your game a while back, I love it!

I for some reason really like those black silhouette games like Limbo, hated it for a while but now i think they hard to master in order to get athmosphere, and i like the simple clean look u got going on.

Figured i’d show some textures again, last time, just to show what this tool can do. These are all made with it so.

Really happy we ditched all our old levels and remade them using this tool, the workflow just improved so much because of it!

Thanks for taking the time to create a landscape similar to mine. Looks very good. I will definitely keep an eye on the updates.

Glad you enjoyed my game. :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work!


the update is live, yeah !

Okay, I think I found some bugs:

  • I’ve created my Ferr2D material, using the material editor window. Unchecked the simple mode, and dragged the areas. Then I closed the editor, all was rendering ok on the mesh. Finally I reopened the material editor and all my presets were reset. Hope you can fix than soon :wink:

  • Docking the material editor window, is actually resizing the texture to fit the tab space. So all zones are no longer in the right place. You should warn to not dock the window or just disable the texture resizing :wink:

Anyway thx for this update, this is really awesome!!!

I can confrim this, when i click to set caps, close it and build segments, open it again it has reset itself. Seems theres no way to save it either, so has to be a bug.

I had no idea 1.0.4 went live already! Looks like they never sent me an email about it. Ah well, guess that works!

When you open it up, does it switch back into simple mode? I haven’t been able to reproduce it yet myself, but if anything’s wrong, I could imagine it being in the new simplified stuff. And does it happen all the time, or just on specific materials? I’d love to see the materials and/or screenshots of those, (support@simbryocorp.com) might help me figure out what’s going on with it!

I must admit, I never tried the docking it at all! It just never came to mind~ I’ll tweak that around, see what I can come up with. I had set a minimum window size, but it looks like when you first dock the window, it ignores minimum size until you try to resize it again.

And since the new version is out, I’ll try and post something soon showing some of the stuff I’ve been working on~ Mostly small stuff so far, but nice things =D

Yes it switch back to simple mode.

The reset happens only when I close the material editor window and reopen it afterward. The solution I found is just to never close it and dock/undock it when necessary. So when I will click the “open material editor” button it will just update the tab without reseting the parameters of the material.
If you can’t reproduce it, I can maybe record a video :wink:

Another bug I have is that sometimes transparency glitches are appearing with textures. I have to modify some variables a little and with luck, it’s rendering ok.

Any idea ? =)

Thx !

Edit : Actually just clicking the “Play” button many times will make the glitches or not.

A quick fix for the simple mode glitch;

In Ferr/2DTerrain/Editor/Ferr2DT_TerrainMaterialWindow.cs
On line 273

Replace this:
bool simpleUVs = true;
with this:
bool simpleUVs = false;

That should work for now, I’ll have a better solution for that later!

For the transparency issue, I -think- I solved this with Kai earlier this week, I’ll send a build with that to you later tonight when I get a better fix for the simple mode glitch, see if it fixes that for you~!

Thank you, this fix seems to be working ! :wink:

Awesome work dude! I just pulled the update off the store and it works like a charm. We’ll definitely keep using this tool moving forward. If I run into anything else I’ll make sure to drop a line in here asking about it! :smile:

Alright, quick update! As soon as I’ve done some slightly more rigorous testing, I’ll be pushing this update out~ A bunch of small things that you may or may not notice, plus one bigger feature! Edge overrides, so instead of it auto-detecting what edge direction to use, you can tell it exactly which one you want!


New icons will help with visibility against same colored backgrounds, plus they look nicer! Edge overrides use a simple interface, just click on the direction icon until you get the one you want! Icons lean in the direction of the edge they influence.


Also, some workflow features! I find the mesh lines on the terrain distracting, so they are now hidden by default, you can toggle them back on again if you want though! Also, you can now manually influence icon size as well! If you work really far out, or really close in, this could be particularly useful for you!

Here’s the complete list!
+Path Terrain
-Added edge material overrides
-Tweaked stretch algorithm, instead of stretching between a scale of 1 and 2, it now stretches between 0.5 and 1.5
-Changed draw order of materials for better compatability with transparent fill materials
-Added preference menu for showing or hiding terrain mesh lines
-Fixed a collider glitch with Inverted fill modes
-Fixed the Split Corners toggle, should now work
-Updated icons for better visibility against same color backgrounds
-Added preference menu for icon scaling
+Terrain Materials
-Fixed bug with an overzealous simple mode
-Updated Ferr/Unlit Textured Vertex Color shader to properly use Unity’s UV settings

As always, feel free to PM me for earlier access to it, but you can probably expect to see this up on the store sometime next week? And also, many thanks to anthonyk2 for helping me hunt down a couple of issues =D

Great work! Can’t wait to check this out. :slight_smile:

Uh, really excited for the new release.

One request: is it possible that you make a Roadmap of your tasks with the Plugin? What are you working on future updates? :slight_smile:

Wooh! Me too! =D

Haha, yeah, I’ll see about setting down a roadmap. I’ve got a list of things I’d like to put in, and I think I mentioned some them a little back here, but I hadn’t thought too much about order just yet! Better corners, auto-atlasing for materials, transparency optimizations, aaand my sticky notes are at home, I’ll think about 'em and let ya know!

Also, I made a .GIF with the recent build, 'cause .GIFs are cool~


Do I see that right? Is it possible now to smooth not only the whole path but also some parts of it? Would be great!

That’s the edge material overrides that you’re seeing there! I just forced the left facing edge to use the top edge material, and added an extra point to round it out a little more. Haha, better smoothing is on the roadmap somewhere too though =D