FetchConfigs Problem

Using fetchconfigs seems to be fine on development but on release it doesn’t seem to get the user attributes/app attributes which makes the rules useless.

Can you provide your steps to reproduce, you mention “seems to”, can you confirm?

public void Start()
     ConfigManager.FetchCompleted += ApplyRemoteSettings;
     ConfigManager.FetchConfigs(PlayerManager.Instance.userAttributes, PlayerManager.Instance.appAttributes);
public struct UserAttributes
    public bool isStarter;
public struct AppAttributes
    public string appVersion;

The condition of one of the release rules which is user.isStarter==“true” always returns a false even though the default value of isStarter is true. However, removing the condition of the rule works perfectly fine. What errors did I make that on Development it works fine but on release it doesn’t?

Thank you for the information, I will test and follow up here.

The Release settings worked for me with my isStarter rule. Could you post a screenshot of your Release settings? Also, please show your ApplyRemoteSettings code. I am building with Unity 2019 to PC Standalone, and checking/unchecking Development build to compare my builds. I write debug info to a Text UI element with this code:

private static Text myText;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        myText = GameObject.Find("MyText").GetComponent<Text>();


private void MyDebug(string debug)
        myText.text += "\r\n" + debug;

also I’m presetting myFlag (your isStarter) here:

userAttributes myUserAttributes = new userAttributes();

        myUserAttributes.myFlag = true;

        // Fetch configuration setting from the remote service:
        ConfigManager.FetchConfigs<userAttributes, appAttributes>(myUserAttributes, new appAttributes());

Okay. Upon further testing and adding a debugger on the APK, I finally found the culprit. The ‘Odin’ plugin was causing the serialization error because I didn’t build a DLL to include it on their AOT and also the struct was not serialized or didn’t have a [System.Serializable].

Remote config is working now.