Hi again,
So I’m trying to reference fields that are declared in other files with the same namespace, except they’re not and I’m getting error CS0103 instead. I’m also getting warnings on the pages of the actual fields themselves saying that they’re assigned but never used, which I guess is technically true since when I try to actually use them they don’t work. Here’s some example!
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Linq;
namespace ScissorsPaperRock
public class WhoWins
public static void Start()
if (thePlayerChosenOption = UNIT.SCISSORS) // Error The name 'thePlayerChosenOption' does not exist in the current context
if (theAIChosenOption = UNIT.SCISSORS) // error CS0103: The name 'theAIChosenOption' does not exist in the current context
Debug.Log("The game is a tie!");
else if (theAIChosenOption = UNIT.PAPER) // error CS0103: The name 'theAIChosenOption' does not exist in the current context
Debug.Log("You win!");
Debug.Log("You lose!");
This obviously isn’t the full code, but it should hopefully be enough to give you guys an understanding of what’s going on.
Here’s one of the files where thePlayerChosenOption is declared.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Linq;
using ScissorsPaperRock;
namespace ScissorsPaperRock
public class SelectScissors : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler
UNIT thePlayerChosenOption; // warning CS0414: The field 'SelectScissors.thePlayerChosenOption' is assigned but its value is never used
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData pointerEventData)
Debug.Log("You selected scissors!");
thePlayerChosenOption = UNIT.SCISSORS; // I don't think the enums are being referenced either.
Even though in theory, my field is declared and used. In practice, it’s sure assigned a value. But the main isn’t picking up on it.
It’s weird because I’m not getting warning CS0414 on this file’s field:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
namespace ScissorsPaperRock
public class AIOption
public UNIT theAIChosenOption;
public void start()
System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); // Makes the random class.
int AISelect = rnd.Next(0, 3);
if (AISelect == 0)
theAIChosenOption = UNIT.SCISSORS; // I don't think enums from UnitData.cs AREN'T BEING REFERENCED!
else if (AISelect == 1)
theAIChosenOption = UNIT.PAPER; //If true, this essentially means that this is doing nothing.
theAIChosenOption = UNIT.ROCK;
// In theory, this code SHOULD select one of the three enums in UnitData.cs and keep the selected option on hand.
Even though any attempts to reference it in other code files are also met with error CS0103.
Here’s were the enum UNIT is declared.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
namespace ScissorsPaperRock
public enum UNIT
I personally don’t believe that the enums are being referenced.
I’m entirely confused, and it’s clearly something to do with Unity. Because when I recreated most of the code in a native C# app in Visual Studio, none of these errors or warnings showed up.
What is different about Unity that makes it so this doesn’t work, and how can I fix it? I’m entirely stumped.
EDIT: So I also asked this on Reddit and was told that if I made theAIChosenOption
a public static variable, and in turn replace every instance of theAIChosenOption
in my WhoWins.cs with AIChoice.theAIChosenOption
that it should fix all of those errors. It didn’t. But when I went 1 step further and changed public class AIOption
to public static class AIOption
, this fixed every single error and removed every single warning. In its place is a single solitary error saying: “AIChoice.cs(11,21): error CS0708: ‘start’: cannot declare instance members in a static class”. So when I did the Reddit fix of changing public void start()
to public static void start()
, all of the errors came back.
Now, old me would have said “Welp, that means his fix was broken.” But I encountered this before, and am pretty sure it actually means the errors were never fixed in the first place.
In short, still looking for a solution. But I’ve learned more from it.