Fighting against clipping and/or out of frustrum


I’m working on a volumetric particles emitter, wip here :

Sometimes, at the beginning of the simulation when the mesh is not very big, the particles are not displayed depending on the position of the camera.
If I pause the game and switch to scene view, I can see my particles, but here again, depending on the position of the camera view, they may disapear.

Before, the position of the mesh was 0,0,0 and this problem was always here. Now I’ve managed to shift the pivot point to get it always at the center of the bounding box of the smoke mesh, so now this disparition problem is less present, but I still have it sometimes.

I’ve tried to change the camera near and far clipping values with no success…

So what should I do to force my particle mesh to be always rendered as I wish ?

Are you setting the mesh bounds?


Argh !

That’s it ! I’ve added a call to the mesh.RecalculateBounds() method and now it seems to be working properly ! Thank you :slight_smile: