Figuring out the touch index for a given touch

Hello again, seems like every day I’m back here asking some other question I’m stumped with. Anyways:

I am working on an iOS game and I am using the Joystick and the TouchPads that are in the Standard Assets (Mobile) package in unity. Basically, I was running into the issue where I needed the touchpads to react just like key inputs (so they only fire off the frame they are touched, and it doesn’t matter if it’s held down or now often you tap it, it always fires off only the first frame it’s touched.) I was fiddling with the touch counts that are variables on the touch pad. I was saying if the touch is greater than 1, then to have my character jump. This made it so once I jumped, he would continue to jump if he touched a wall or another surface before the touch count reset. Not gonna’ work. So then I started asking to check to make sure the touch is in the Phase.Began phase before firing. That worked, but then it would fire if ANYWHERE on the screen was touched, not just the jump button. (so if you touched the onscreen joystick, he would also jump)

I think I know how to fix it, but how can I find the index of the touch? I want to make sure it only fires when its the touch pad finger. Am I making sense?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :smiley:

Here is the basic code that is giving me issues (this is before I was tinkering with it, but I’m sure my tinkering is far more complicated than it needs to be. So I’ll just put it here so someone who knows what’s up can help :0)

if (explodeButton.tapCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch (0).phase == TouchPhase.Began) 
                               // Explosion Logic

I would suggest you use a GUI Button with an Image.
This gets input whether Web, Standalones, or Mobile

function OnGUI(){ 
         //Your Explosion Logic