File Headers huge in all builds

Textures 38.3 mb 42.0% Meshes 5.7 mb 6.2% Animations 246.6 kb 0.3% Sounds 144.4 kb 0.2% Shaders 380.6 kb 0.4% Other Assets 520.4 kb 0.6% Levels 4.9 mb 5.4% Scripts 662.6 kb 0.7% Included DLLs 4.1 mb 4.4% File headers 36.3 mb 39.8% Complete size 91.2 mb 100.0%

Why is the file headers section so large? I have no resources, so it’s not there.
Where should I look for making the file headers smaller?

Just wondering if you’ve found a solution to this. My file headers are taking up like 70% of my build size.

Please try like this.

  1. Have a look at all objects that has mesh render and check if the “Lightmap Static” is checked.
  2. Uncheck this checkbox in all of your mesh render and rebuild.

Before apk size - 200MB.
After apk size - 43 MB.
This worked for my project.

Hope it works for you.

Hello , i fixed my same problem .
i have terrain in my scene . if you have terrain in your scene then click terrain and look inspector . go to paint texture(textures) / settings / lighting , find lightmap static . and uncheck lightmap static . save scene and project , build again . this is fixed my problem about file headers .

I too have large header files.

Can anyone confirm that the lightmaps are what’s causing header files to be large?

I cannot untick STATIC, as I want to keep the baked lightmaps.

Build Report

Textures 501.0 mb 6.5%

Meshes 32.3 mb 0.4%

Animations 39.7 kb 0.0%

Sounds 4.3 mb 0.1%

Shaders 1.9 mb 0.0%

Other Assets 83.1 mb 1.1%

Levels 379.2 kb 0.0%

Scripts 2.0 mb 0.0%

Included DLLs 13.3 mb 0.2%

File headers 6.9 gb 91.7%

Both @Alexander43 and @notwithoutyou say you should uncheck STATIC.

Don’t do this if you want to use baked lightmaps. Instead, take a look at the lightmap files, they’ll be inside the folder with the same name as your scene, a subfolder in folder that contains your scene.

If you have the same problem I did, you will notice that the lightmap files are uncompressed if you use inspector. (RGBA 32bit) i.e MASSIVE!!!

Override the compression setting with anything other than uncompressed and you’ll see the Header size reduce dramatically. I used the manual lightbaking method. I’m not sure how well this will work with Autogenerated lightmaps.