File scaling and Unity 5

Hey guys,

I know its another one of these threads with regards to the scale factor and the file scale for imported assets and animations, I’m sorry. As I understand, you will get a File Scale of 1 when you export an .FBX with a unit scale in meters. You will get 0.0254 when exporting out in Inches (I am working out of Max), meaning that the animations are the same size. Comparing this to assets and animations coming across from Unity 4, they are tiny, despite the file scale and the scale factor being 1 for them too.

So what gives? We had limited success exporting our files in inches and then going into the .meta of the files and finding useFileScale and setting it to 0, but this seems like a very botched way of fixing this.

I was wondering if anyone had found the secret to getting the Unity 5 import settings to work as 4, or at least to have the Scale Factor 1 assets imported directly into 5 work the same way as the ones brought across from 4.


I just performed a simple test which worked as expected.
Max unit setup meters
Box 1m x 1m x 1m exported as fbx, export units meters.
In Unity4 the scale factor defaults to .01 on import so change that to 1.0 and apply, the box is the same size as the default Unity4 cube. 1x1x1 meter.
In Unity5 the scale factor is 1.0 so no changes needed, the box is the same size as the default Unity5 cube.

Using the same export asset the box is the same size in U4 as in U5 as long as the scale factor in U4 is set to 1.0.

Changing the useFileScale to 0 is definitely the way to go.

The project I’m on recently upgraded to Unity 5 (in the middle of production) and found that any new files we added were coming in at a totally different scale, which was particularly troublesome for animations and rigs. We didn’t want to change any of our maya export settings or our unity fbx settings because they had worked flawlessly for over a year, so we decided to change the useFileScale and everything worked fine from then on.

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I think the option to just use the default unity scale and ignore file scale would be extremely preferable.