FileMerge broken in Unity after Snow Leopard Upgrade

After upgrading to Snow Leopard, Unity can no longer find FileMerge. It's really annoying because the UI to set the merge tool has only a combobox (which in my case is empty) so I can't set the path to FileMerge, which is installed and working. Is there a workaround for this? Where does Unity look for FileMerge? If I knew that I could create a symbolic link.

sudo /usr/bin/xcode-select -switch /Applications/
that should make it work

Try updating your XCode tools to 3.2.X. Snow Leopard wants the newer XCode set with an updated FileMerge. I had this problem on upgrade as well and this was the solution.

XCode -

Hmm I am on Mountain Lion now and I just installed XCode 4.5 and rebooted to no avail. I can open Xcode and File Merge just fine but Unity does not recognize File Merge.

I am going to reinstall Unity and see if that works.

If any insight would be appreciated.
