if (url.match(/\.data/) || url.match(/\.bundle/)) {
console.log("cacheControl returning must-revalidate for url: ", url);
return "must-revalidate";
When I use “must-revalidate”, or leave the cache control config as default, the “.data” and “.bundle” files always get invalidated and redownloaded again. It only uses the cache when I change it to "immutable:.
The etag and last-modified header have the same values.
The cache control response header from my server for these files is: “public, max-age=1296000, no-cache”
So, is this an issue with my server headers or is it a webgl thing?
Also can you please give me a source to understand how Unity WebGL cache works? for example how “must-revalidate” knows that the file was changed? does it have a lifetime or not?
Here is the game: tuxul.com