Files in Persistent Data path after building the game

Hello guys! I’m making a 2-D game and in that i am reading files from Application.PersistentDataPath. I wanna ask that if I build my game then the files present there will also be combined into the build and will be available for use? Actually I have lots of sprites which i have placed there so when the game starts, it loads those sprites from there and I want those files to be included in the build of the game. So will my sprites be present in the persistent data path of anyone who plays the game?

you can put all your assets in your asset folder. in your scripts you simply put “public” in front of your varibles so they show in the inspector. then you can simply drag and drop files onto the spaces in the inpector. if you want to get raw bytes from a file not supported by unity, you can change the file extention to “.txt” and use a TextAsset variable. then you can easily get the byte array back with TextAsset.bytes.

alternativly you can use a resourse folder like this :

standalone builds always need a seperate folder next to the actual executable file to run.
if you want to pass along your game with only one file. you need to make either a custom installer with visual studio or a zip or a self extracting zip.