Hi…! I am using a slider in way a that a object catches another object and its according to value of other object my slider value changes accordingly. when slider value changes its handler goes directly to that value. I want to go slowly like its filling up, like we fill a water of glass in real life. Any Ideas how can I do it?
Sorry for bad English. Thanks in advance. 
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class SliderFill : MonoBehaviour {
public float fillSpeed = 1.0f;
private Slider slider;
private RectTransform fillRect;
private float targetValue = 0f;
private float curValue = 0f;
void Awake () {
slider = GetComponent<Slider>();
//Adds a listener to the main slider and invokes a method when the value changes.
slider.onValueChanged.AddListener (delegate {ValueChange ();});
fillRect = slider.fillRect;
targetValue = curValue = slider.value;
// Invoked when the value of the slider changes.
public void ValueChange()
targetValue = slider.value;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
curValue = Mathf.MoveTowards(curValue, targetValue, Time.deltaTime * fillSpeed);
Vector2 fillAnchor = fillRect.anchorMax;
fillAnchor.x = Mathf.Clamp01(curValue/slider.maxValue);
fillRect.anchorMax = fillAnchor;
Things can be changed for different effect. For example, Mathf.MoveTowards
to Mathf.Lerp
will make the fill update less linear.
You can do ‘Mathf.Lerp’
There’s a example :
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
public float thedamage;
public float variable;
public float actualvariable;
private void Start()
// Both of theses floats have to be the same!
variable = 5f;
actualvariable = 5f;
// Example damage
thedamage = 1;
void DamageExample()
actualvariable -= thedamage;
private void Update()
variable = Mathf.Lerp(variable, actualvariable, 4 * Time.deltaTime);
// And you can ajust the speed by changing the '4' number !