Filling Holes in a MESH

Hello Unity Lovers… I have this problem here.
I got two meshes here (replicas)… A and B

(View from above)

what I need to do is take A:
(view from below)

and transform it to B:
(view from below)

It’s like filling the opened área in a mesh… like making the mesh convex or triangulating the mesh to add polygons and cover the mesh to make it closed and solid.

I’ve looked a lot… but couldn’t find it, not even an asset… Please someone help me!

(I need that to calculate the volume, but if its not closed it cant be precise)

Not sure what you’re asking exactly, but pulling polygons out of a Unity3D mesh object is pretty easy. The Mesh reference is stored in the MeshFilter, and the MeshFilter presents it to the Mesh Renderer.

Studying them and ascertaining what constitutes a hole might be a bit trickier. You’d have to define a much more trivial case (like just a couple of polys total) and try to identify what conditions you want holes to be filled in.

If you need a guide on pulling polygons out of the Mesh, I have some mesh-making tools in al ittle free open source package called makegeo. MakeGeo is presently hosted at these locations:

thanks for replying!
Im going to try to explain myself better.

A cube has 6 faces… mine has only 5 covered by mesh… so the bottom face is showed transparent… What I want is to fill the face with another polygon so the cube will be 6 faces as showed in the right picture… thats what I intend to do…

5285955--530145--Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at 22.02.39.jpg

so… how do i fill holes in a mesh?

With … triangles??

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