Hi, I currently have a list of inventory items and would like some advice on the best way to filter them and display the item Sprites accordingly.
What I had in mind was clearing the list when a button is pressed (weapons for example) and then re-initializing the list with all items of type weapon. Is there a better way? Maybe using linq? Not used linq much before so if that is a better way can anyone advise how to do this please?
Linq is probably your best option yes.
Say you have a ScriptableObject, or any other class you want to build a list of
public class Item
public enum TYPE {Weapon, Health, ExtraLife}
public string name;
public int value;
public TYPE type;
You can use Linq to filter it, like
List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
public List<Item> Filter (Item.TYPE type)
List<Item> displayList = (from item in items
where item.type == type
select item).ToList();
return displayList;