well, guys i was wondering if it is possible to filter the bloom optimized of the unity itself. I already tried using layer but it didn’t work. would you have any tips to help me?
I am not sure what you exactly mean? Could you clarify what you are trying to accomplish.
Secondly, questions about bloom would be more suited to the Image Effects sub section (under Graphics.)
Never tried this solution but this might help : https://answers.unity.com/questions/1711544/unable-to-switch-post-process-layer-to-postprocess.html?_ga=2.125450954.1591067168.1606291694-797605234.1601369496
Also I’m thinking about something. Bloom effect is seen when you have some Emissive on a material. Have you tried to put 0 emissive on the objects that do no bloom and some emissive on materials that does?
I already applied a lot of ideas, nothing else works, because the bloom is affecting the lens flare
Make the lens flare render after the bloom?
how do you do this?
as bloom activates the brightness of the camera, it ends up affecting the lens so I tried to use a layer, but it doesn’t work
I use the “optimized bloom” component of the unity itself