FINAL IK - Full Body IK, Aim, Look At, FABRIK, CCD IK... [1.0 RELEASED]

Hey, cheers, that fixed it!

when my character jumps his legs still try to reach down to teh ground. is there a setting that controls how far of the ground an character stops seeking to ground the feet? Thank you:)

grounder.solver.maxStep is the distance, you could try setting that to 0 when you start the jump, then blend it back to what it was.


Iā€™m attempting to use AimIK on this arm and it works really well until the target reaches an angle like this and Iā€™m not sure how to prevent this kind of rotation. There is only one animation being played here. Iā€™m using an angle rotation limit with the twist limit set to 0. The only bone being used for IK is the bone for the upper arm. If you already have a demo or video you can just refer me to that.

Thank you.

Iā€™d try getting rid of the Angle limit on the upper arm and adding a Pole Target to the AimIK. Place the pole target above the character and use the vertical axis of the Aim Transform as Pole Axis. If you set AimIKā€™s Clamp Weight to 0.5 then the arm wonā€™t bend over 90 degrees so it does pretty much the same thing as the Angle limit.
