Finally, an interactive tutorial series that WILL teach you C# for Unity3D

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Codey’s Lab:

Download it FREE! off the Unity Asset Store. Interactive tutorial engine that runs directly in the editor:
Chapter 1 (FREE): Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

Here’s what people are saying about Codey’s Lab:

Chris - Review of Codey’s Lab

“I am a 3D artist and always wanted to learn C# in Unity. I started with the lessons on unity3D but all the info didn’t stick. when i was in front of a blank page just nothing. now that i started using Codeys Lab I really feel like I am learning and understand what I do. I love this way of learning! If you are a beginner like me give Codeys lab a try (its FREE!!!).
I only hope that future support will com on regular bases so we don’t need to wait months to see this awesome learning tool expand past the current space shooter.”

Andrew - Review of Codey’s Lab “I would even dare to say this is the best learning resource on the entire Asset Store! Highly interactive and fun/easy to use!”

Latest Video: 4/28/15

Hi Everyone,

If you’re like myself, you learn by doing. It’s as simple as that. How many tutorials have you watched, that you just follow along, type the code they type, and then as soon as a blank page is in front of you, you have no idea where to start?

I’m here to fix this. Many of us have seen the numerous amounts of tutorials out there. They all go over what we are doing. They even explain what we are doing while we follow the tutorial. But for some reason, if you were to take the code you have on screen, and just hit CNTRL A and DELETE, you will not be able to replicate what you just did from scratch. And here’s why. IT’S NOT INTERACTIVE!!

Interactive tutorials allow you to understand and try the experiment without spoon feeding you!

I have made a series of short and simple interactive tutorial videos for you all. Please go ahead and give them a try. You’ll be surprised how quickly you will have learned compared to what else is out there.

You can also request tutorials. My tutorials will help you understand the terminology of the script we are writing, and how you would go about creating it from scratch YOURSELF.

Here are the links to each Playlist:

C# Fundamentals:
C# Intermediate:
C# Advance:
C# Space Shooter:
C# Unity2D:
C# Misc. Content:
C# Live Sessions:


Jonathan Weinberger


Ah! Sorry, didn’t mean to post yet. In process of uploading video. Will be on the post shortly. Thanks.

will love to see as much as possible.

Thank you. :slight_smile:

Here’s tutorial two! :slight_smile:


Here is a little feedback on you first video.

I think your tutorial rocks as you are very thorough in your explanation of

  • a transform
  • vector3
  • time.deltaTime
  • What the code does and how it relates to the editor (especially the part where you specify a start position for the gameobject.).

without using many technical terms/expressions.

What I think you missed was:

  • why “*” is used ie. what it means
  • public vs. private variable

maybe it is because you intend to save this information for future videos

I look forward ot watch more of your videos a they get uploaded.


If you keep this tutorial going you definitely will have me watching!

I’ve been doing tutorials for 3 stinking days now and it’s like you said: You just copy the code without actually knowing what you’re writing.
You doing an RPG tutorial from scratch is a big plus too since one day I want to create my very own rpg…

Please keep this up and let it be as interactive and engaging as you’re doing right now, it helps me a lot to understand it all a bit better!

Thank you for the feed back :slight_smile:

I’ll be releasing a couple videos later today! Thanks for watching!

Just did the one on GUI

loved the fact that you just said “you’re gonna have to figure that one out on your own”

So I paused the video, and went on.

I wanted to make my “main menu” with just a “start game” button. I made the background and was wondering how I would be able to center it on the screen regardless of what resolution i would be playing on. So I started fiddling with all the different parameters and came across ‘Screen’.

I just put this as the x coordinate for my box

(Screen.width / 2) - 100

The 100 being half of the width of my box. I did the same for my y coordinates and it was such a beautiful thing to see! Unity actually did what I wanted it to do! Hehe

I know that 99.99% of the programmers around here are propably gonna say “dude, that’s easy” and sure, they are right. For me it’s a massive victory and I applaud myself for that. Makes me wanna do more! A lot more!

:slight_smile: That’s my goal!

I struggled for MONTHS with Unity. No tutorial out there is as interactive as I would like. I’m very happy that you were able to figure out the “screen” function on your own! And you may think that 99.99% of the people may think what you did was easy, but believe it or not, that’s an advanced step. Even for the top notch programmers. If you don’t fully understand how the OnGUI function works, you will not understand the screen function.

I’m very glad that my series is helping you. I hope that with my up coming space shooter series, followed by an RPG series, it will encourage you to continue learning!

The key to understanding is by interactive learning :slight_smile:

Tutorial 3 is out! Spaceshooter series!

Tutorial 4 is out! Part two of Space Shooter.

Tutorial 5 is out!

A small suggestion: When you give the viewer a task to complete by himself when you do the next video, start off with giving the solution and go over a couple of possible mistakes.

When I was watching the third part of the spaceshooter series I had to wrap the player so he would go from right to left and vice versa. When I was going to the left he would get stuck just at the edge of the game screen. I figured it out doing it in a different way but I couldn’t tell what I did wrong. You explained it in the next video and there I had a serious “Doh!!!” moment because of it :slight_smile:

What I’m trying to say is, just keep doing what you’re doing :wink:

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Releasing tutorial six as we speak! 30% uploaded. This will be the most interactive tutorial yet. You will DO it on YOUR own.

Post questions, and i’ll guide you through the thinking process.

As always, thank you for watching :slight_smile:

Video 6 released!

Most interactive yet!

Thank you, you are doing amazing work with this videos. As a new unity3d programmer with little C# knowledge I can say that you’re good teacher.

Thank you very much Granzi.

Video 7 will be released today!

Oh this is really nice !!!
I understand everything !!!
Please make more more i enjoyed all of your videos.

Thank you for the feedback BraveFall.

Video 7 is in the process of being uploaded now :slight_smile:

Thanks for watching! Glad they are helping.

Video 7 is out! Sorry it took so long! I’ll upload 8 hopefully over the weekend with a new lesson plan for doing it YOURSELF.

Enjoy! Thanks for watching!