Find a GameObject exactly in position Vector3(1,2,3)?

i wish to find a game object that I know will be exactly on a precise coordinates-it would seem logical as it could be faster than scanning/Collider algorithms for some tasks. So a variable of the kind:

var Object_1 = gameobject.findinposition(Vector3(1,2,3));

You could use Physics.OverlapSphere with a very small radius - but be aware that this function returns an array with all colliders whose bounding boxes intersect the logical sphere, thus other near objects may be included, even if they visually don’t intersect the test point. Assuming that the object of interest should be at that position, we could return the nearest object, like below:

function FindAt(pos: Vector3): GameObject {
  // get all colliders that intersect pos:
  var cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(pos, 0.1);
  // find the nearest one:
  var dist: float = Mathf.Infinity;
  var nearest: GameObject;
  for (var col: Collider in cols){
    // find the distance to pos:
    var d = Vector3.Distance(pos, col.transform.position);
    if (d < dist){ // if closer...
      dist = d; // save its distance... 
      nearest = col.gameObject; // and its gameObject
  return nearest;

If you know a gameobject will be in a specific position without doubt, do you also know what gameobject will be in that position? can you just grab the object when you need it?

var gameObject = GameObject.Find("known object");

I am guessing that you dont know WHAT object will be there, just that an object WILL be there, so another idea could be, set a game object w/collider in that position to be a trigger, and when the object enters the collider grab the name/object/run function what ever you want to do then.

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider) {
    var name =;

If your tiles are all arranged on a plane, wouldn’t it be easiest to just store them in a 2D array and get them by index?