Is there a way to find a non networked item on other clients? I need to build a system where the majority of things are movable. I know i can go through and add network views to these objects and then they are movable however u was wondering if there was a way that when player A clicked on a box, it would notify all connected users that this is now networked and add components to them with the correct network Id etc.
This way i dont need to worry so much about ensuing that all the objects in the future are set and it mean that i dont have a load of network views floating around that are not needed etc.
was thinking may be able to use the Instance ID of an object to find its matching partners on the other clients, but I’m unsure if this is going to match up correctly or if it is generated when the object is created (and there for different per user).
While there would be ways to implement something like that you will run into an endless stream of problems. What if a player picks up an object and later a new player joins. All existing players would have agreed on a particular networkID so everybody knows which object we talk about. However the new player doesn’t know which object was meant. It’s already difficult how you would communicate which object is meant. Static objects can be found the easiest way by specifying a raycast start position and a direction.
The main point of having an object being a networked object is so that every player will know which object was meant.
You talked about a NetworkView which however is part of the legacy networking system (RakNet). If you use Unity5 or greater you should use the new network system uNET. There you would have a NetworkIdentity attached to an object.