Hello all.
I have two points which create a line and I want to find a point to the left of the midpoint of the line.
The mid point I can find via
Vector3 midPoint = (pointA + pointB) / 2f;
But how can I find the point at the left?
Here is an image explaining what I’m trying to do.

Have in mind that the line is not Vertical. It may be rotated to all degrees.
I hope my question is clear 
There are two 3D issues here you don’t specify. First, ‘left’ has to be relative to some frame of reference. The drawing above is 2D, so the frame of reference could be considered Vector3.forward. The second problem is whether you are talking about world left or local left. That is, if you flipped A and B in the drawing above, would ‘C’ be on the right side as we view it? Let’s assume it would be. Then one solution:
Vector3 midPoint = (pointA + pointB) / 2f;
Vector3 PointC = minPoint + Quaternion.AngleAxis(90.0f, Vector3.forward) * (PointB - midPoint).normalized;
This code takes the vector from the midpoint to B, normalizes it so that it is of length 1.0, and rotates it 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the Vector3.forward point of view.
Hello @konsnos , you can add box or sphere with collider in middle point. You can find near all colliders that they are )).
You can find here useful info Unity - Scripting API: Physics.OverlapSphere