I am currently using the code below to pick up objects. But I would like it to find the Object1 transform with the “cube” tag and apply each function to it instead of having to repeat the script. I tried Object1 = GameObject.FindWithTag ("cube");
, but it didn’t work. The code:
var SpawnTo : Transform; //your hand for example, attack an object to your character that you want the position of what you picked up to go to
var Object1 : Transform; //what your picking up, the object that you want to move
var dist = 5; //distance at which you can pick things up
private var isHolding = false;
function Update () {
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q)){ //if you press 'q'
if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Object1.position) < dist) //if distance is less than dist variable
isHolding = !isHolding; //changes isHolding var from false to true
if(isHolding == true){
Object1.rigidbody.useGravity = false; //sets gravity to not on so it doesn't just fall to the ground
Object1.parent = SpawnTo; //parents the object
Object1.transform.position = SpawnTo.transform.position; //sets position
Object1.transform.rotation = SpawnTo.transform.rotation; //sets rotation
else{ //if isHolding isn't true
SpawnTo.transform.DetachChildren(); //detach child (object) from hand
Object1.rigidbody.useGravity = true; //add the gravity back on