hello. I have a question, that seems not to exist on internet yet.
What i am trying to do:
i am creating a gameobject component, that adds addtional function or subtructs existing one. Every added function exteds the component in the inspector, because every added function has intensity variable. Selection of the function, that will be added, works over the gameobject component’s dropdown.
So creating of the custom editor is not a problem to me.
However the functions, that i want to add, are made with the strategy design pattern. That means, that every function inherits from an abstract class or an interface. This way i can easily add a new behavior or delete not functioning one.
So here is my question:
How can i find all the concrete public classes of functions that inherit from 1 abstract class (or 1 interface) and add tham to a list of references during the run time.
=> this way i want to avoid to do it myself manually every time i create or delete new function script or gameobject’s script that uses all this functions.
thank you for your help.