Find highest value in Array, JS

Hi guys, I know this question has been asked before, but every solution seems to return an error and doesnt really in with my code, if you know what I mean.
Simply enough, I just want my array to return the highest value, int value that is, in the array. The only code that is worth showing for this is what I have so far in terms of my array

function GameOver(){
var PlayerScores = new Array (Player1Score, Player2Score, Player3Score);


So then I just want it to tell me which of the 3 values that are defined at the end of the game is the highest. I dont even need it to say whether Player1, 2 or 3 is the highest. Just assign the highest to a var. Please keep it to JS.

Thanks lads

Never use the JS Array class; it’s slow, untyped, and obsolete. Use built-in arrays or generic Lists. Also you should follow standard convention of using lowercase for variable names; uppercase is for classes and functions. It would make your code a lot better if the scores were a List to begin with, rather than making a new array in the GameOver function; having them as separate variables is needlessly complicated. So assuming playerScores is a List.< int >, then use Max from System.Linq (import System.Linq).

var highest = playerScores.Max();