Find mouse Velocity

Hello. So, I’ve been trying to find the velocity of the mouse pointer in unity. Is there a way to find the position of the mouse pointer for this frame and for the frame before?

The simplest approach would be to store the current frame’s mouse position just after comparing it to the previous frame’s position:

Vector3 lastMousePos;
public Vector3 mouseDelta
		return Input.mousePosition - lastMousePos;

void Start()
	// Initialize the value to avoid an anomalous first-frame value
	lastMousePos = Input.mousePosition;

void Update()
	// Use mouseDelta as needed, then update lastMousePos at
	// the end of your Update() loop
	lastMousePos = Input.mousePosition;

If you want viewport coordinates instead, you can divide the X and Y values by Screen.width and Screen.height respectively.

If you want them relative to your camera’s viewable area, you can also factor in Camera.rect values to scale the resulting values further (when an even greater degree of normalization is desired).

Edit: Changed “currentMousePos” to “Input.mousePosition” – It was technically an artifact of rewriting it halfway through the process

Are you actually interested in the mouse speed or the speed of the mouse pointer. If you want the speed at which the mouse is moved, that’s directly returned by Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") and Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"). It tells you how much the mouse has moved since the last frame. Of course if you really are interested in the velocity of the mouse pointer, measured in pixel, you have to use something like what Eno showed in his answer.