I made a ui script that instantiates a temporary guitext on an object that receives damage. This works with individual objects, but I want it so that for all gameobjects in the scene with specific tags, a guitext is instantiated above them, at their current position. How would I go about this? I attempted it but with no luck.
Here is my current script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Linq;
public class HitPoints : MonoBehaviour {
//the next position to instantiate a point prefab(at the next harmed enemy)
private Vector2 nextPosition;
//change the UI canvas transform
public Canvas prefab;
//access the UI text component
public Text text;
//how much damage to print
private int _damage;
//an array of enemies, their damage and health
private GameObject[] enemies;
private Transform[] _enemyPositions;
private Health[] _enemyHealth;
private int[] _enemyDamage;
//offset points from entity center
public Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0f, 1.5f, 0f);
void Awake () {
//get all enemies in the scene and their health and damage values
enemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Enemy");
//get the health, damage of their weapon, and position and store into array
for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++)
_enemyHealth _= enemies*.GetComponent<Health>();*_
enemyDamage = enemies*.GetComponentInChildren().damage;*
enemyPositions = enemies*.GetComponent();*
* print(enemies.Length);*
* }*
* }*
* void FixedUpdate () {*
* //as long as there are enemies, execute*
* if(enemies.Length > 0)*
* {*
* print (“there are " + enemies.Length + " enemies.”);*
* //for every enemy*
* for(int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++)*
* {*
* //instantiate a point prefab for every hurt enemy*
* {_
nextPosition = _enemyPositions.position + offset;
text.text = damage.ToString();*
* //print (“got this far”);
Canvas hitPoint = Instantiate(prefab, nextPosition, transform.rotation) as Canvas;
* //get damage from weapons*
* public void Damage(int dmg)*
* {*
* damage = dmg;*
* }