So, what i needed is to find the “father” of other, in this case the GameObject (SHIP).
There may be more copys of this ship, so making a FindObject(SHIP) won’t work.
I need to find exactly the father of this ship_bound gameobject.
How can i do this ?
After all, this is not working.
When i do other.parent.gameObject, i get an error in the console saying ‘parent’ is not a member of ‘UnityEngine.Collider’.
If i do “other.collider.parent.gameObject”, i get
MissingFieldException: Field 'UnityEngine.BoxCollider.parent" not found. Boo.Lang.Runtime.PRopertyDispatcherFactory blablabla"
My colliding object is indeed a child of the object i’m tryng to “contact”.
What am i missing here ?