Finding change in variable between updates

I would like to work out the change in a variable from the last update.
so something like x(i+1) - x(i) but in a c# way. I am pretty new to c# so any help would be great! I can’t use the built in mouse position and getaxisraw etc because the x and y data is not coming from the mouse.
Hope this makes sense to someone!

Hello @KateHassan,

The thing you are looking for is properties and delegates.

public event Action<int> OnVariableChanged = delegate { };

public int X 
		return x;
        int oldValue = x;
        int newValue = value;
        //Here you can find out difference

	    x = value;

This way you can keep on track when a variable, for example, is changing in the set block and in the more elegant way using delegates like:

private void Awake()
    OnVariableChanged += OnVariableChangeHandler;

private void OnVariableChangeHandler(int value)
    //Do something when variable change

Please feel free to ask any questions you might have.

All the best,
The Knights of Unity