Finding enemies from a list script

Hey I have a building that I want to find the nearest enemy via another scrip I have where I store the enemy’s how do I make the building get the enemy list and then find the nearest enemy

i have defined the enemy list
enemiesManager = FindObjectOfType();

this is my targetfinder where the enemies should be from the enemies list

  public void TargetFinder()
            currentTargetDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
            foreach (var x in enemies)
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, x.transform.position);
                if (distance < currentTargetDistance)
                    myTarget = x;
                    displayText.text = "My target: " + x + "

Distance to Target: " + distance; //skal fjernes nå det er helt klart
currentTargetDistance = distance;

this is the enemy list

 public class EnemiesManager : MonoBehaviour
        public List<GameObject> _allEnemies = new List<GameObject>();
        public static EnemiesManager Current;
        private void Awake()
            if (Current == null)
                Current = this;

There’s a bazillion different ways to do target finding, so you just have to settle on the one that makes the most sense for your project. One that I find easy for prototyping and spinning up new projects quickly is the singleton pattern - create a static reference out of EnemiesManager such that any TargetFinder can quickly and easily access the current list. You could even have a method inside of the manager class that takes a position and automatically finds the closest enemy to that position. Example:

public GameObject GetEnemyClosestToPoint(Vector3 point) 
	GameObject closestEnemy = null; 
	float closestEnemyDistance = 0.0f; 
	if (_allEnemies.Count > 0) 
		// by default grab first enemy 
		closestEnemy = _allEnemies[0]; 
		closestEnemyDistance = Vector3.Distance(closestEnemy.transform.position, point);
	foreach (var enemy in _allEnemies) 
		if (enemy == closestEnemy) continue; 
		var distance = Vector3.Distance(enemy.transform.position, point); 
		if (distance < closestEnemyDistance) 
			closestEnemy = enemy; 
			closestEnemyDistance = distance; 
	return closestEnemy;