i want to find the gameobjects around my player.
what i want to do is find all the gameobjects within a certain area around my player and activate them.
i am working on an openworld game.
please help.
Do yourself a favor and make it simple, use Unity - Scripting API: Physics.OverlapSphere
This will return all colliders within radius. From there you can access gameObject.
If the objects are not active you may want to create an array and store all objects at Start, then you can perform:
Transform [] array;
void GetInactiveInRadius(){
foreach (Transform tr in array){
float distanceSqr = (transfor.position - tr.position).sqrMagnitude;
if(distanceSqr < rangeSqr)
simply use Physics.OverlapSphere
Physics.OverlapSphere (someposition, someradius);