Finding the shortest path between nodes not working for enemy AI

My code is designed to make the enemy navigate between checkpoints which are manually assigned using the shortest path it can find. It works for the first 2 checkpoints but then gets ‘stuck’ at the second checkpoint. Can you see what my issue is?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class enShort3 : MonoBehaviour {
    //this code will find the closest checkpoint to the enemy and move them towards it repeatedly
    public GameObject[] verts; //array of checkpoints for enemy to move between
    Transform objective; //transform for where enemy is aiming to go
    int shortex = 0; //index for checkpoint with shortest path
    Transform spawn; //ransform for enemies initial spawn
    float shortest = 0; //record of shortest path found
    public float speed = 10f; //speed mutliplier for enemy movement

    private void Start()
        spawn = this.transform; //records location at spawn
        shortest = Vector3.Distance(spawn.transform.position, verts[0].transform.position); //default quickest path is between enemy's spawn and first
                                                                                            //checkpoint index
        shortex = 0; //index of first checkpoint

    private void FixedUpdate()
        objective = verts[shortex].transform; //enemy's objective is defined by the index of the shortest path found in the array
        this.transform.position += transform.forward * Time.deltaTime * speed; //move the enemy forward constantly
        this.transform.LookAt(objective); //Rotate the enemy towards the objective

        if (Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, objective.position) < 5) //if the enemy is close enough to its current objective...
            for (int x = 0; x < verts.Length; x++) //for every array value...
                if (x < verts.Length - 3) //if the current index is not 2 below the end of the array... 
                    if (Vector3.Distance(verts[x].transform.position, verts[x + 1].transform.position) <
                        Vector3.Distance(verts[x].transform.position, verts[x + 2].transform.position)) //check if the distance to the second array index
                                                                                           //is shorter than the distance to the third one as the enemy is
                                                                                           //already at the first index
                        float temp = Vector3.Distance(verts[x].transform.position, verts[x + 1].transform.position); //record the shorter distance

                        if (temp <= shortest) //check if the shorter distance is shorter than the shortest found so far
                            shortest = temp; //if it is, update the shortest distance
                            shortex = x + 1; //set the index to point towards the shortest distance

                    else if (Vector3.Distance(verts[x].transform.position, verts[x + 1].transform.position) > //repeat the same here
                            Vector3.Distance(verts[x].transform.position, verts[x + 2].transform.position))
                        float temp = Vector3.Distance(spawn.transform.position, verts[x + 2].transform.position);
                        if (temp < shortest)
                            shortest = temp;
                            shortex = x + 2;


                objective = verts[shortex].transform; //set the objective using the closest checkpoint found




@noaROX, I’m trying to understand how your code fits with your purpose.

You want your enemy to move from checkpoint 1, to, 2, and then to 3? Or, you want it to move to a checkpoint and then choose the next closest checkpoint… or what?