finding the size of a content size fitter

Hello out there in unity land~
I have a bit of code in which I have a Text object I’m using as a tooltip. It needs to have a fixed width but can have an arbitrary height. I have it’s size controlled by a Content Size Fitter with an attached Layout Element.
The Content Size Fitter is set to:
Horizontal Fit: preferred size
Vertical Fit: Min Size

My code needs to know the height of this object but when I call:

myNumber = this.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.y;

I find that myNumber is always 0.

So, if I can’t find size using sizeDelta, how should I find the size of something that is controlled by a content size fitter?

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I think you are looking for the rect of the RectTransform.


That sizeDelta value is something else.

Worked like a charm! Thank you so much! I’d been stuck on that all day.


so you used this code? :

myNumber = this.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height;

I tried this variable and it seems to be the wrong one. In my project, its always 26. No matter how big the rect is.

Any ideas?

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You either never set new value or trying to get height right after setting, which is wrong because rect width\height is being recalculating in LateUpdate i guess.

So I’ve tried this as well and it doesn’t work for me. I’ve got an object with a vertical layout group and a content size fitter (vertical fit = min size). Its content is dynamically generated and appearing correctly. In the inspector during runtime it says its height is 200. But calling “subject.GetComponent().rect.height” returns 0. Any ideas?


Nevermind, turns out it is because it takes a frame to update its size and I was querying prior to that.

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text.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2 (text.preferredWidth,text.preferredHeight);
backGround.sizeDelta = new Vector2 (text.preferredWidth+20.0f,text.preferredHeight+20.0f);