Fire 3 bullets only, one after the other

I’m wanting to create a boss fight and I’m using states to do it. I want one of the functions in my state to fire 3 bullets only at the player but one after the other so they don’t collide with each other and come out all at once. Sadly i don’t know how to do this.

I did try and it just ended up with the bullets coming out all at once instead of one after the other like i wanted.

Any help?

function Update () {

  var timer:float;
 var gunnumber:int;
 var bulletonce:int;
 var delay:float;    //----time between shots

 //----------------------trigger a bullet here however you are doing that. lol!!!!!!

You could add a delay in between firing the bullets like this:

var delayTime = 0.5;
var startTime = Time.time;
while (Time.time - startTime < delayTime)

Note that the yield statement will technically make your function into a coroutine. As a result, this will be slightly more complicated to implement in C#. See here for more on coroutines. There may be other ways to achieve this functionality if this route seems unappealing to you.