I’m doing a FireFighting game, and while looking for placeholder fire effects i found a simple particle system that simulates fire:
and that made me wonder:
What is more efficient?
Having this fire particles or little fire animations?
keep in mind that there will be a lot of those around the map, however the map won’t be so big, and those fires will be constantly pooled.
Sorry for any grammar mistakes, english is not my native language
Standard Assets include “particle” package which includes “fire” particle system.
Usually a is a particle system where each particle is animated (spritesheet)
What is more efficient?
Measuring performance is often superior to asking for opinions, thus I recommend to measure both approaches and compare the results.
Here are a few resources that should help you to get started with the Unity Profiler.
Learn how to diagnose common performance problems and optimize your projects:
Introduction to the Profiler - Unity Official Tutorials
Unite Europe 2017 - Practical guide to profiling tools in Unity
Unite Europe 2017 - Performance optimization for beginners
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Particles are also generally expensive. If you have lots of these guys at once, and especially if your graphics style can afford a stylized look, id personally do it with sprites in a pool(considering the possibility of mobile build)