Firebase iOS missing symbols arm64

Does anyone know a solution to below error Ld /Users/student/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-evfhpfrjyhgav -

I have successfully ran Unity iOS version on simulator, but running it on a real device throws out an error about some missing symbols from 64arm architecture. I have tried everything from relinking stuff, downgrading, changing bitcode, architectures. It just keeps throwing the same missing symbol arm64 and linker error after.

Do you have any Google related plugins in your Unity project? If so, are they updated?

I have GoogleSignIn for android from github which is latest version and say’s it’s iOS supported. Guess I’m going to have to try to manually strip and remove GoogleSignIn.

I hoped since it says that Unity Google Sign In is supported in both iOS/Android that I could just integrate it for both. I’m gonna have to now manually delete them files each time for iOS build…

wild guess, the reason for missing symbols might be source/static-library files of GoogleSignIn added to Unity-iPhone target they should be in UnityFramework target of Xcode project

While generating Xcode project, have you received any error message in editor ?