After installing the FirebaseSDK on my project the Android build is not working anymore. It just trows this error:
Google.JarResolver.Dependency.IsGreater (System.String version1, System.String version2) (at /Users/chkuang/Workspace/git/unity-jar-resolver/source/JarResolverLib/src/Google.JarResolver/Dependency.cs:196)
I’ve tried deleting the External Dependency folder and installing it directly from Google and also from the FirebaseSDK, Also tried the Force Resolve on the Assets -> External Dependency Manager -> Android -> Force Resolve
and also tried installing different versions of the FirebaseSDK but none seems to make it work is there anything else I should do?
I’m using Unity 6000.0.34f1 and I have other SDKs like Facebook and Google OAuth previously installed but I had no issues with them