March 23, 2011, 10:46am
We have a big problem with our specular materials after switching from 2.6 to 3.2.
The problem is that the models has these fireflies or really bad anti aliasing.
You can see an example here:
If you click on a furniture and then apply a leather material you should see the problem. (Leather is the last materials: semi aniline and madras)
Does any of you guys know a solution to this problem?
I don’t see any problems; maybe you should post a screenshot of what you see.
March 23, 2011, 11:44am
Here is a picture where you can see all the white dots.
It’s something to do with some of the textures, lakru. Either they’re not filling the UV’s fully, or the mip maps are messing them up, or set to clamp or repeat or ok I dunno, but it’s the textures I’m sure.
March 23, 2011, 12:30pm
I don’t think it is something with our textures. We are using tiling textures on both fabrics and leather, but it is only on the leather that uses specular map it happens. So it must be something in the specular shader.
It wasn’t like this in 2.6 only after we updated to 3.2.
ive seen this problem too… in some of my projects.
March 24, 2011, 10:45am
I would like to hear an opinion from one of the Unity guys, because this is a problem in all our projects.
?!! This image illustrates our point perfectly.
large version:
Are those seams due to not-continuous mesh maybe?
@megmaltese - No, it has something to do with unity’s lighting, Anti-Aliasing or the specular shader.
In v. 2.6 all our assets worked perfectly using the same shaders and light setup.
Could you send me that model so i can check?
You mention AA so I take it you’re using forward rendering, tried Deferred yet?
Ahh, You Beat me to it!
Also, Why is it that when i tried to click the ‘Reply’ Button, my cursor disappeared every-time…Weird…
It looks fine to me (the webplayer I mean), so maybe it’s something related to your graphics card/driver?
April 1, 2011, 8:20am
I have uploaded a model to test on.
We have tried forward and deferred rendering with no luck, only Vertex lit did the job, but we can’t go there.
April 1, 2011, 8:22am
Did you change to a leather material?
I think I did, hang on I’ll try again and edit this post.
EDIT: Ah, stupid me, I didn’t. I see it now. I guess we can rule that one out. I think you have a bug here, send a bug report.
EDIT2: I should also add that I don’t see anything really wrong with the model
I think I did, hang on I’ll try again and edit this post.
EDIT: Ah, stupid me, I didn’t. I see it now. I guess we can rule that one out. I think you have a bug here, send a bug report.
EDIT2: I should also add that I don’t see anything really wrong with the model
Ye’ I also think we can safely send a bugreport - the problem is that we have clients using our products right this minute, which means that we need a solution now.
We will happily reward a good solution to this problem