fireRate javascript?

I’m making a miniagme, were, you can shoot. I use this Firerate stript, and I don’t know why it doesn’t work: the scene start, I shot one time, and the x become equal to 0.511. I don’t know why it doens’t works!
can you help me please?
this is an example, like my real script:

#pragma strict
var spownPoint : Transform;
var bullet : GameObject;
var bool : boolean;
var force : int=1000;
var x : GameObject;
var z : float;
var y :float;

function Start ()
function Update () 
		z = Time.deltaTime+y;


function shot()
	var x = Instantiate(bullet, spownPoint.position, spownPoint.rotation);

Time.deltaTime is the time that occurred between frames. I think you should be using Time.time instead (in both spots) Let me know if that fixes it.