Hi everyone,
This is my first encounter with gimbal lock, and I can’t quite wrap my head around it.
I’m working on simulating a soft robot arm that is controlled by 4 ropes. The black dots represent the pull points, which turn red when pulling backward and green when pulling forward. (Just to clarify, this isn’t for a game; I simply didn’t know how else to approach it.)
To make this work, I slightly move the black dots and then align the blue disc to the plane they form. However, when trying to align it, I encounter gimbal lock.
Additionally, to ensure that movement translates smoothly from one part to another, all objects are children of the preceding object.
I can’t attach a video of the robot right now since I’m a new user, but I can share my code for the alignment or try to describe the issue further if needed.
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class AlignToPlane : MonoBehaviour
public List<Transform> points; // List of points
public Transform disk; // Disk object
void Update()
if (points.Count < 4) return; // Ensure there are at least 4 points
// Step 1: Calculate the center position
Vector3 center = Vector3.zero;
foreach (Transform point in points)
center += point.position;
center /= points.Count;
// Step 2: Compute the normal vector of the plane
Vector3 v1 = points[1].position - points[0].position;
Vector3 v2 = points[2].position - points[0].position;
Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(v1, v2).normalized;
// Step 3: Calculate the rotation based on the normal
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(normal, Vector3.up);
// Step 4: Apply the position and rotation to the GameObject
transform.position = center;
transform.rotation = rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0, -180, 0);
disk.position = center;
disk.rotation = rotation * Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0);
I’ve attached an image showing the problem I’m facing since, as a new user, I can only upload one image.
To explain the setup: I have a soft robot arm with 3 sections that can be pulled independently. In this image, I’ve pulled on both the 3rd and 2nd sections. However, the 3rd section is stuck pointing upwards.
I believe this issue is caused by gimbal lock, but I’m not entirely sure. Any guidance or suggestions on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!