first game WIP

I didn’t think id be doing this yet, but here it is: my new big game that im making video ( work in progress )

it’s still in the making so all things will not be like they are in the video… hope you like it :slight_smile:

surfs up !!!

surfs up !

try out my new game in the making now at my site !

… it is far from done… i’ll be updating it later when it is ready …oh and theres no sound yet either… use spacebar to grind and mouse to steer the wsad keys

hope you like it as much as i do

so Im wondering what do you think of it so far ?.. any feedback ? ( runs away from the rotten tomatoes being thrown )

well… the idea is good, but you need to work on visuals. keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Thanks… by visuals you mean mostly everything im assuming since i put it together to show the basics of the game ( jumping and grinding on things ) it is only a piece of the game