Hi all,
First of all, I don’t know if this is the right sub-forum for my question, but anyway, here goes:
I downloaded the indie trial and ran through the 2d Lerpz tutorial + a few other tutorials. Now, all eager to get a small game done, I would like to hear your opinions on what would be good “Hello, world” games in Unity? I should mention that I have a basic grasp of C#, Python and JavaScript and no real knowledge of game development - all I have done is a text RPG in C# and a Pong! clone in XNA.
The first game I learned Unity with was a Marble Madness clone. The physics system makes scripting a game like that a breeze, while still learning some of the basic ins and outs of the engine.
I’d recommend starting with a MMO. Within a few months you should have something that can beat WoW.
…Whaddya mean it’s not April 1 anymore? In that case, I agree with the Marble Madness clone…my first game was something sort of along those lines, and while I never finished it, it was a good learning experience.
That was an excellent idea, thanks!
You guys have any other suggestions?
Thanks for making me laugh this morning!