Hey guys. I’ve done some messing around before, but this is my first real go at modeling and texturing something. A dragon:
Any tips would be appreciated. Also, my model looks very shiny. How can I fix that?
I modeled in Blender and textured in Photoshop 7 with a tablet.
Thanks again.
October 17, 2011, 12:36am
nice for first model im 3d max user so i cant give any tips for blender
ps. why do you post it here instent Showcase section. ?
The Showcase section says it’s for work in Unity.
yes i posted a model in showcase and was told that the best place to show work like that was in gossip
look for the post ny Alec
October 17, 2011, 10:28am
Thats specular shader set it to 0 or to very small number.
October 17, 2011, 11:58am
hmm so the next choise is to post it in other random place in forumm…why not in script? or gui? it will be the same i guess… why dont we must have topics… One topic for all
Show your Unity work - games, videos screenshots
games and!! videos and!! screenshots… xD