First person control not working after instantiation Unity 2017.3?

So when i drag and drop a first person controller into the game it runs fine,
however when i try to instantiate the first person controller into my game
head-bob and virctical look do not function. though you can move and turn left and right…

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Photon;
public class SpawnPlayer : Photon.MonoBehaviour {

	public ConnectPhoton ConnectPhotonCS;
	public GameObject Connect;
	public Transform SpawnPoint;

	void Start (){
		Connect = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Connect");
		ConnectPhotonCS = Connect.GetComponent<ConnectPhoton> ();
		if (photonView.isMine == true) {
			if (ConnectPhotonCS.PlayerOne == true) {
				PhotonNetwork.Instantiate ("Player01", SpawnPoint.position, SpawnPoint.rotation, 0);
			if (ConnectPhotonCS.PlayerOne == false) {
				PhotonNetwork.Instantiate ("Player02", SpawnPoint.position, SpawnPoint.rotation, 0);


Hi @zak666,

the attached PhotonTransformView component only synchronizes the transform component of the game object. The FirstPersonController is not synchronized and needs a separate synchronization. To do so, you can either extend it by adding an OnPhotonSerializeView function or attach a new script which has an OnPhotonSerializeView function and a reference to the FirstPersonController. Regardless which option you choose, you have to add the script with the OnPhotonSerializeView function to the list of observed components of the PhotonView component, as you already did for the PhotonTransformView component.