first person controller script

hi i am new to unity and now i feel that i have got to grips with the interface i want to learn how to script, i have decided to start with making a simple first person controller that can look around with the mouse and jump e.c.t but i have tried looking on the internet and i have found that there are hardly no tutorials to show me how to. can somebody please post a simple script or a link to a tutorial that i will be able to understand thanks in advance.

OK. Make a new GameObject. Add a CharacterController from Components>Physics, then a FPSWalker from Components>Scripts. Then attach a Mouse Look script from Components>Scripts>Camera Control to your Main Camera, and attach the Main Camera to the GameObject you made. Then read the scripts and figure out what they do.

In Unity 4.5.3f3, a FPS controller and mouse look script is already available. First, you need to Import Package Character Controller

From the MouseLook.cs script:

To make an FPS style character:

  • Create a capsule.

  • Add the MouseLook script to the capsule (Component → Camera-Control → Mouse Look)

→ Set the mouse look to use LookX. (You want to only turn character but not tilt it)

  • Add FPSInputController script to the capsule (Component → Character → FPS Input Controller )

→ A CharacterMotor and a CharacterController component will be automatically added.

  • Create a camera (GameObject → Create Other → Camera).

  • Make the camera a child of the capsule. Reset it’s transform.

  • Add a MouseLook script to the camera.

→ Set the mouse look to use LookY. (You want the camera to tilt up and down like a head. The character already turns.)

I can’t find these Scripts and Components?! I’ve already imported the Character Package, is ther anything else i have to import?!