First Person Controller, Transform appears to be locked


I have been making a game happily for a while now with the standard first person controller working fine. I was putting in a skybox and a lens flare and I went to test the game out but, the controller was locked in position I could look up and down and rotate the controller but it would not jump or move, as though the transform was locked. I looked at my input settings and all is the same.
If anyone has any idea how to fix this I would be very gracious.

thanks in advance

Did you accidentally uncheck “Can Control” on the character motor?

This questions seems very hard to answer so if im not giving enough information or something else please tell me. Anyways a full reinstall of unity didnt work but i eventually exported the entire project and imported it again into a new project. This fixed it.

So if anyone has this problem, as I dont think it is well documented on unity answers, this is how you fix it!