First Unity tryOut - First Person Controller makes all objects just Float away...

I've made a really simple first scene with Water and 3 Palm Trees.

I place in the First Person Controller into the Scene, hit Run, and my Water drops away and the Palm Trees float off upwards, never to be seen again!?

What have I done wrong?

Unity FREE v2.6.1f3 (31223)

Sounds like you've not setup the physics right. My guess is that the trees are actually staying where they are, but the water and your character are dropping down (actually, did you attach the FPS controller to the water?).

The FPS controller script needs to be attached to an actual character, and make sure that the trees and water don't have rigidbodies attached (although they'll need MeshColliders).


I got the same problem... I use the first person controller but it just falls through the ground and the camera got some weird things going on with its rotation.....

Is there a nice beginner tutorial for the solution to this problem, I just want to make a walking around in an envirnoment demo??? Help much welcomed! ;)

DOH! I had no solid ground, so I sank through the water and down to Hell! Sop I put in a big flat think cube or a plane and that fixed it.

However, what would one do if you wanted to just be floating in space and hold your position ?!